Create a Travel Log of Your Vacations

by David Tillman – October 2022

Take time to create a travel log of your vacations. You may be amazed to the places you have visited. Use the attached “Travel Log Worksheet” or create one that works better for you. You can add the names of the people you traveled with.

Journal or share with a trusted friend or circle of trusted friends.

    1. Share about your experience during one of your vacations.
      (Who went with you? What did you see, experience, or eat? What were the highlights of your vacation? What did you learn about others and yourself on your vacation?)
    2. As you look at your vacation list, share any of your feeling, insights, or overall mood, which came to you as you entered vacation destinations, dates, and what you had learned on the worksheet
      (What insights about your travels surprised you?)
    3. Share about one of the places on your travel bucket list and why you want to go there.

Option 1: Instead of creating a travel log, create a “Places I have Lived Log.” Or “Places I have Worked Log.” You may be surprised at what you see and feel as you create your places-lived log or places-worked log. It may give you insights into how you got to where you are today, either geographically or during your work experience.

Option 2: Add to your Travel Log a “Bucket List” of where you want to travel to, with who, by when, and why?

Option 3: Locate a map of the World and/or the United States (or the country/state you are from).
Find a bulletin board, or some corkboard squares, which will be big enough to be behind the map. Then find a bag of different colored push pins.

Carefully attach the bulletin board or corkboard squares to a wall. Pin the map over the bulletin board or corkboard squares. Then put different push pins at all the places on the map you have visited or lived. You could also do this with a smaller printed map or without the corkboard and use a pen or small adhesive dots to indicate the places you have been.

What do you notice when you look at the map with all the places you have visited?

© 2022, David Tillman, all rights reserved,

Travel Log Worksheet – Oct. 2022 –

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