Storytelling about Grief and Loss Menu

Grief and loss are a part of life. We all acknowledge and deal with our grief in different ways. Here are some quotations and insights about grief and loss. Use these in small group discussions, one-on-one conversations, or personal reflection.

Speaker and author Ted Bowman talks about grief as that space between our dreams and reality. Ted shared this example of looking at a person’s loss of dreams. Before the birth (or adoption) a mother and father create a dream of what it will be like having their child at home and raising them. Their dreams often include seeing their child(ren) do well in life, meeting a loving and caring partner/spouse, and may include thoughts of grandchildren. Their dream often begins to change that first night their child is home with them. Reality sets in as they learn how to care for their young child(ren); feeding, crying, sleepless nights, worrying, and so much more. Grief is found and experienced in that space between the parent’s dream for their child and the day-to-day reality (what is) of raising their child(ren).

I hope you find these helpful at this time of grief and loss.

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