How to Navigate Toxic Environments

By Dr. Michael Obsatz – August 2024


We have all experienced environments which are toxic. They have many aspects in common:

Toxic environments are hierarchical, with some people having power over others. They could include work environments, family, spiritual institutions, schools, and political establishments.

Toxic environments use power, control, shame and guilt as ways to control people.

Toxic environments teach rigid dogma that must be followed.

Some privileged people get away with violence, harassment, and other hostile behaviors, while those at the bottom are punished for those same behaviors.

There is often denial of negativity and suffering. Excuses are made.  “If they didn’t like it, they wouldn’t put up with it.”

Judgements are common and often based on biased information, or no information.

Fear is always present — those at the top and bottom often live in fear of abandonment, scarcity, and shame.

Addictions and distractions keep people from dealing with the consequences of their destructive behaviors. Early and later abandonment fears are what those in charge feel.

“The Other” is the way those at the middle and bottom are perceived. They are to be hated, shamed, and controlled.

How do we navigate these toxic environments?

  1. Avoid them when you can.
  2. Maintain a low profile.
  3. Use selective vulnerability.
  4. Set clear boundaries, and stick to them.
  5. Maintain one’s dignity, self-respect no matter what happens.
  6. Detach from outcomes, and take nothing personally.
  7. Find healthy, supportive people to be open with
  8. Continue growing in love, compassion and empathy.
  9. Know that they know not what they do — or they do know.
  10. Fight for justice, fairness, and compassion whenever you can.


Toxic environments come from Empire Consciousness and Trauma Consciousness. These two belief systems are alive and well in our world today. World peace depends upon the development of Oneness Consciousness. This belief system is about love, acceptance, abundance, self-love and compassion for all of creation.

© 2024, Dr. Michael Obsatz, all rights reserved, and


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