Aging Grace-Fully – Session Three
A New Vision for Aging
David Tillman – December 2011

“Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
(Psalm 37:4NIV)

“Age is the antidote to personal destruction, the call to spiritual growth because age finally brings us to the point where there is nowhere else to go but inside for comfort, inside for wealth, inside for the things that really count. It is the damping-down time of life. Our passions and flaw—anger, jealousy, envy, pride—subside to the point that we begin to awaken to another whole level of life. The interior life, the search for the sacred, takes over to the point that we can begin to assess how much energy that passions and flaws have drained from our life.”[xxx]

Watch the documentary “Grow Old Along with Me: The Poetry of Aging” a collection of poems and wisdom from life spoken by a number of older actors and actresses.[xxxi]  See three-minute YouTube movie clip below or rent or buy the movie online at

After watching “Grow Old Along with Me: The Poetry of Aging” discuss these questions, and other questions you have, in small groups and/or in the larger group:
1) What spiritual themes emerged in the documentary?
2) In the documentary what insights caught your attention?  

[xxx] Joan Chittister, The Gift of Years, 69.
[xxxi] Grow Old Along With Me – The Poetry of Aging. Dir. Anne Macksound and John Ankele, Lanhan, MD: National Film Network, 2000, c1999, DVD video recording.

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