Writing “My Story” to Leave Your Written Legacy to Loved Ones

Would you treasure having a written, or videotaped, record from your parents telling about
how they navigated through the many worlds they lived?

Below is the outline for writing your own “My Story” to gift your written legacy to those you love. In the process of writing,
you might be amazed at all the many worlds you have navigated through.

There are download links below to save a PDF or document file for you to begin writing “My Story.”.

Enjoy writing about your unique and amazing journey so far!

Writing My Story Outline – May 2023 r1a – © www.lifesjourney.us


Download this PDF copy for your files:


Download this PDF copy including lines to write your responses:


Download this as a document file:


Download this as a document file including lines to write your responses:



Link to original article “Navigating Our Many Worlds” by Dr. Michael Obsatz


Link to “Navigating Our Many Worlds” storytelling in small groups where each of the eleven worlds we navigate through in life
can be used for small group discussion or personal reflection





Click below to download the model pictured below from “Navigating Our Many Worlds” by Dr. Michael Obsatz.
This model will give you a different perspective of all the many worlds we learn to navigate in life.
Enjoy and embrace your amazing journey!



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