Celebrating the Divine Masculine

By Dr. Michael Obsatz – June 2020

Each of us has both Divine masculine and Divine feminine energies. Father’s Day marks the celebration of the Divine masculine in every person. Masculine energy is the assertive, protective, active, and peace-loving energy in service to Oneness Consciousness, love, and equality. 

Fathers can be strong positive role models for their children.  They can teach their sons about healthy manhood and how to respect and relate to males and females.  They can teach their daughters about their own worth, and that they deserve to be treated respectfully by others.

Fathers can help serve in the community.  They can provide support and sustenance for the poor and needy. My father was a Mason and a Shriner. After a hard day’s work on the farm, he regularly visited people in hospitals with his fellow Masons.  He helped support the Shriner’s Hospitals for children.

The Five Divine Masculine traits are:

Each of these can be used individually, in service to others, or as teaching tools to create a better world.

Jesus demonstrated his Divine masculine energy when he refused to let Empire Consciousness, hierarchy, attempts at domination, ignorance, and fear control his life.  Let us recognize the beauty and power of Jesus – his gentleness, compassion, and forgiveness.  And also notice his fierce support of equality.  Jesus fought for the rights of all to be cared for, valued, respected, and protected.

In this time of COVID-19, and murders of unarmed Black men and women by some police, and continuous bigotry and hatred by some, let us spend eight minutes and forty-six seconds in silence.  Father’s Day celebrates the Divine Masculine which is available to us at all times as we continue to stand up for justice and equality for all.

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