Formation, Conformation, Transformation, and Illumination

By Dr. Michael Obsatz – July 2022

 As children, we are taught to listen to our parents, obey rules, and conform to certain norms.   These norms are created by a culture — norms about gender, norms about appearance, norms about seeking approval, and norms about being accepted and popular.

Social media including television and advertising are in our faces from the time we can read and see.

At some point, if we are fortunate, begin to develop minds of our own.  We re-think and re-examine what we have been taught as the truth.  We grow more mature and realize that what we have been fed is not necessarily for our own personal good, nor the good of others.  Someone else must benefit from our blindly following the ideas of our culture.

Empire Consciousness is taught from our early childhood.  We are brainwashed from the beginning about power, success, competition, domination, control, and hierarchy.

Unless we challenge these ideas, we will continue to live in a world of pain, fear, destruction, violence, addiction, and loneliness.

The opportunity that we have on the spiritual journey is to see something else that matters.  Another way, another idea.

This is Oneness Consciousness, a transformational awareness that can move us from “me” to “we.”  The common good of all becomes our touchstone, our focus.

This transformation to Oneness Consciousness is crucial for the survival of the country, planet earth, and all of creation.  Without this, we stay stuck in a level of immaturity, striving, and the never-ending longing for more.

We can become conscientious objectors to the cultural norms.  We see an alternative to hatred, fear, and desperation.  It is the process of sharing what we have, being mindful stewards of what we have been given, and living with compassion, gratitude, generosity, mindfulness, and Divine guidance.

We see the Divinity everywhere, especially in the diversity.  We see the Divinity in the disheartened, the lonely, the oppressed, the marginalized, and the outcasts.

This Oneness Consciousness leads our way to meaningful connection and compassion for all of life and the earth itself.  We are illuminated, becoming beacons of shining lights, to dispel the darkness of Empire, and to bring peace, love, and joy to all of creation.

© 2022, Dr. Michael Obsatz, all rights reserved,


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