In What Emotion Do You Live with Most Often?
By Dr. Michael Obsatz and David Tillman, 2021
We invite you to find a quiet place to sit to reflect (and journal) about:
“In What Emotion Do You Live with Most Often?”
This exercise is for you to pause from your busy life and take a moment to reflect on what emotion(s) is most experienced internally in your body (and often expressed to others) compared to other emotions. Attached is a worksheet where you can write in the percentage you spend on average experiencing each of four basic emotions: Fear, Anger, Sadness, and Joy. Feel free to add more emotions to the list.
Here are some writing, or discussion with another, or in a small group, prompts:
- Write or share about why you tend to live with one (or two) of the four emotions more than the others.
- Write or share about what emotion your mother, father, siblings, or others tended to spend their lives in.
- Tell a story of a time your experienced one of the four emotions, Fear, Anger, Sadness, or Joy, that felt like it was an emotion that was “new to you” and it made you “uncomfortable.” (For example, your parents may have taught you not to express your anger, however, there was a time when a close friend made you so angry that you could not hold back and expressed your anger to them. Expressing anger was not a common expression for you.)
- Reflect on what you have learned about your emotions and what you might do to explore your emotions further.
This is not an easy exercise to do. We hope you find this exercise thought-provoking and helpful in your life’s journey.
Here’s the “In What Emotion Do You Live with Most Often” worksheet:
In What Emotion Do You Live with Most Often – worksheet – 2021 – www.lifesjourney.usDownload the “In What Emotion Do You Live in Most Often” worksheet here:
Here’s the “In What Emotion Do You Live with Most Often” model that is another way of looking at this:
In What Emotion Do You Live with Most Often – Model – August 2021 – www.lifesjourney.usDownload the “In What Emotion Do You Live with Most Often” model here: