Living, Learning, Loving
By Dr. Michael Obsatz – September 2024
How much data can a human brain store? In my 83 years on this planet, I have absorbed so much data. I have probably read 5,000 books and articles. I have been to well over a thousand lectures — by teachers, authors, and speakers.
I have synthesized my learning into a few general beliefs which will carry me through to the last of my days. Here are thirteen of them.
- It is better to live in gratitude than in regret or resentment.
. - Forgiving others for hurting me does not mean that it was right. People act at the level of their awareness and consciousness. If they knew better, they would do better. I don’t have to be around them, however.
. - It makes no sense to compare myself to others, envy others, or judge others. I am me, with my own experiences, and my own perceptions.
. - I am enough. I do enough. I continue to do my best most of the time.
. - Too much time on cultural values is exhausting and depressing. There has always been suffering, evil, and selfishness.
. - Growing up means finding meaning and purpose, and not getting caught up in fads, trends, or cultural messages.
. - Selective vulnerability is the way to go — sharing as much myself as makes sense given the situation.
. - Political leaders represent the collective consciousness of society. The only savior is the one inside Spirit and ourselves.
. - Every moment is an opportunity to share and spread love and healing energy.
. - There is nowhere to get to. We have everything we need.
. - Every day of good health is a gift.
. - Finding a support network and being supportive of other people’s journeys make life better.
. - Be still, meditate, pray, listen, accept, seek justice, and dance while you can.
© 2024, Dr. Michael Obsatz, all rights reserved, and
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