What Really Matters
by Dr. Michael Obsatz – May 2022
Once a person reaches 80, life has a different feeling about it. What used to seem important seems much less important. Status, recognition, external signs of success — these have or have not been achieved. But, something changes on the inside. A book about this is “Falling Upward” by Richard Rohr. He states that spiritual growth becomes more of a focus as one ages.
So what really matters during the last few decades of life? Here are 10 suggestions:
- Good health is of premiere importance and maintaining energy and enthusiasm for life
- Meaningful, lasting friendships
- A sense of inner peace — my life has meant something.
- Having helpful, caring nurturers — doctors, nurses, dentists, repair people, spiritual guides,
- A spiritually supportive community, clerks and salespeople, barbers/hairdressers, etc.
- Loving and accepting oneself, and forgiving past mistakes — freedom from shame, blame, and guilt
- Hobbies and adventures that one enjoys
- Seeing life in perspective — living with gratitude for all the joy and love one has received
- Caring and compassion for those who are suffering — and making some contribution to support them — the ill,
the poor, the oppressed, the lonely - Passing on a meaningful legacy — leaving something of value for the world
© 2022, Dr. Michael Obsatz, all rights reserved, www.mentorsmatter.us
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